Wednesday, March 25, 2009



Ordinary people like our selves who are conscious of the conditions of employment must surely be excused for questioning the wisdom of the two sets of brothers, Peter and Andrew. James and John, in leaving their nets to follow Christ. The invitation is direct and simple, ’Come, follow me’ with no hint as to where they are going or what is in store for them. Nothing is promised. There is no suggestion of any hesitation or regret on their part at letting go or leaving their boats behind. Only one-thing matters - follow Christ and become fishers of men. This encounter between Jesus and the apostles takes place during the first moment of his ministry and reflects the humble origins of the church. Ordinary people with no special training are called to the extra ordinary task of bringing the knowledge and love of God to the whole world. God chooses the weak of the world to confront the strong and simple to confound to the wise.
The mission of preaching and healing, which Jesus began in Galilee, is now responsibility of the church. The call of apostles is still the model of discipleship and in our generation we have both the privilege and obligation to accept his invitation. As followers of Christ we are called to be servants of God and to struggle to the task of enlarging the church by spreading the good news of the kingdom. This is not possible unless we have begun living the new live we have received at baptism. There is no such person as an instant Christian because coming to faith is a gradual process and a life-long struggle, which each generation must learn anew. It involves all the ups and downs of turning aside from a life of sin and self-centered existence to one of obedience to God’s call. We begin by getting to know Christ who enables us to cut through the darkness of fear and prejudice, which our sins have caused. In order to grow and resolve the tensions within ourselves we need constant light that grows brighter as we become more familiar with the gospel.
Right now we stand at a point opportunity, Christ alone gives life and hope and we should not be sidetracked in the work of our conversion by earthly pursuits. We are the hands of God. Men and women like us in every walk of life who put their spiritual welfare of the community before selfishness in every day things release the power of God upon the world.

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